Reading Notes: Ramayana Part D

Extra Reading Assignment: I was not able to finish up the last part of Ramayana in time this week, so I will finish the last assignment for my extra credit.

My Top 3 Readings from Part D from the Public Domain Edition of Ramayana:
-Rama is in Lanka
-Trying to find Sita
-Ravana has spies on Lanka
-Sita is told that Rama is dead 
-Ravana is enraged that Rama is on his way

This story serves as a point when Rama and Sita are separated. Rama has been trying to do whatever it takes to get her back. Although Ravana has spies, that does not protect him from the power of Rama.

SourceMyths of the Hindus and Buddhists by Sister Nivedita (1914).

-Rama looks for Sita
-Hanuman found her
-Sita says "I desire to behold my lord"
-She is brought to Rama
-"O gentle one, I have subdued thy foe and wiped away the stain upon my honor. The work of Hanuman, in crossing the deep and harrying Lanka; of Sugriva, with his army and his counsel; and of Vibhishana, hath borne its fruit, and I have fulfilled my promise, by my own might accomplishing the duty of a man."
-Rama is overwhelmed with emotions seeing Sita

I really enjoyed Rama's monologue. It was nice seeing him react so humanly towards Sita. But, I feel that Sita is hiding so much from him...

SourceMyths of the Hindus and Buddhists by Sister Nivedita (1914).

-Rama is god-like
-Rama is at a end-point in his human life
-Lakshmana has already crossed over
-Rama is set to return to Vishnu

This is a bittersweet end to Ramayana. Everything changes Everything ends. I like how Rama became self aware by the end of the epic.

SourceMyths of the Hindus and Buddhists by Sister Nivedita (1914). 


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