Week 10 Reading Notes: Part A

Top 3 Readings: 
1. The Turtle Who Couldn't Stop Talking

-A turtle became friends with two geese looking for food
-They invite the turtle to visit their home
-The geese made a deal to take the turtle if he keeps quite
-The kids started to make fun of the turtle because he was on a branch
-The turtle broke the promise and talked back to the kids
-He fell and died

-A merchant goes to a desert
-It was soo hot outside that people could only travel by night
-The first man on the path was a pilot to guide the rest of the travelers
-The merchant thought that they were near the city
-The pilot grew exhausted
-They get lost and are without water
-They beat a rock to find water
-They do not give up and reach the city

-A rabbit takes a nap under a tree
-He thought to himself "what if the world breaks up?"
-A coconut falls
-The rabbit runs in panic
-He tells all of the animals about the Earth 
-The lion hears the news
-He is the only calm one
-He finds out why everyone is running and realizes everyone is dumb

Overall my favorite reading this week was the story about the rabbit because it is a situation that many people face. If someone follows the crowd and does not find the truth, then it is impossible to gain true understanding.

Title: Jataka Tales
Author: Ellen C. Babbitt

Illustrator: Ellsworth Young
Year: 1912


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